I love that this is a game that starts out by easing you into the world by enjoying a festival - and yet uses that festival in numerous ways to advance the plot later on. There’s just so much to like about it: The graphics, the personality, the time travel plot, the music, the party combinations (and attacks), the little easter eggs, and the boss battles. While there are some issues that keep it from being completely polished and perfect in today’s gaming climate, Chrono Trigger is definitely one of the best older console RPGs to revisit and enjoy today.

I promised myself that I would wait until I was fully done with the game to both talk about it and examine its multiple endings.
#How to get chrono trigger endings full#
You could transfer your Pokémon to another game or storage application, which cost money (and probably an argument with stingy/confused parents or guardians).After months of playing Chrono Trigger in little fits, mostly whilst stationary biking, I finally finished up my second full playthrough the other day (the first being done as a teen in 1995). If you are a child who wants to continue playing the game after completing the main objective, and feel a deep connection to your progress and save data, you are given very difficult decisions. Thus, to delete the game is often a commitment a painful one at that.
#How to get chrono trigger endings series#
For years, the series allowed only one save file per copy of each game, presumably to prevent easier circulation of rare Pokémon among the player community.

A popular example of vast post-game multiplayer is the Pokémon franchise, famous for its design empha- sis on trading Pokémon and sharing the experience of the game with others. Often times, this comes in the form of singleplayer games that have a strong multiplayer component, in order to allow friends the ability to play together, even if at disparate levels of progress. Towers While many games would go on to iterate on NG+ and the concept of cycles, such as Demon’s Souls and its successors, others would also reject these mechanics in favor of post-game content gameplay scenarios accessible after clearing the main story of the game. However, for other games, a more sobering immortality awaits their player characters, in worlds left devoid of change, of discovery. Chrono is made eternal alongside a world ever changing, even if such change is simply a reversal of outcomes. Instead, it moves on forever, cycling on itself, the player able to experience the world endlessly in flow. With NG+, Chrono lives on forever, experiencing ending after ending, yet will never find himself in a world where time stops until the player themselves stop. However, what NG+ can also be seen as is an ultimate escape from something inevitable in games with save files: the exhaustion and death of game content. Narratively, this can be interpreted as the titular player character, Chrono, being sent back in time with new- found experience to defeat the main antagonist Lavos, allowing Chrono to explore new possibilities in the form of Chrono Trigger’s multiple endings. In the specific context of Chrono Trigger, NG+ is used to give players the opportunity to car- ry over their characters’ stats, items, and abilities into a fresh game state. Pluses While the mechanics of replay bonuses may have circulated in video games before 1995, it wasn’t until the seminal release of Chrono Trigger that these mechanics would have a commonly ac- cepted name: New Game Plus, often shortened as NG+. Growing up isolated, no other videogame invoked loneliness in me stronger than the world left behind in Magic Pengel’s ending intentional or not. Not just for the 3D character drawing and stat system, as robust and intelligently designed as it may be, but for the feeling of emptiness it left with me after com- pleting the game.

Despite the game having shortcomings in its core combat system, and its fairly simple storyline, it still manages to stand out as one of my favorite games. It is a Playstation 2 RPG in which players take the role of a Doodler, artists who control paint fairies known as Pengel, and draw Doodles that come to life and engage in rock-paper-scissors based tournament com- bat. 39 Post-Game Saudade Childhood’s Endings Writing // Hughe Vang, UCSC ‘19 Illustrations // Reno Rivera, UCSC ‘19 “Please don’t be sad.” I was in elementary school when I first watched the ending of Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color.